Increasing allure of studying for degrees offered in English in Italy

 According to a survey of the number of pageviews on the study abroad choice platform, Studyportals, for the top 25 study destinations in the European Higher Education Area, interest in attending Italian institutions with English-taught courses is surging (EHEA).

When prospective foreign students use Studyportals’ study abroad comparison website for European universities, the number of pageviews for degree programmes taught in English at Italian higher education institutions increased by 45 percent, moving them from eighth to fourth place. According to Carmen Neghina, deputy director of the company’s analytics and consulting team, “We’ve seen a lot of movement among the users of our website, and it seems that both European and international students from outside Europe are not returning to their pre-COVID ways of just looking at a few top destination countries for places to study abroad. More and more prospective students are investigating locations other than the UK and other traditional English-speaking countries by taking into account the price of studying abroad and the standing of various universities.
The data is presented in a new Studyportals report titled “Student interest in English-taught programmes – Trends in the European Higher Education Area,” which contrasts the 12-month period ending in March 2022 with the 12-month period prior to that, during which many COVID-19 travel restrictions were in effect. Most visitors to comparison websites for English-taught bachelor’s and master’s degrees are considering choices for studying abroad in the next 12 to 24 months.

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