Boost Your Job Prospects: India’s Top Ranked Institutions

The importance of higher education cannot be stressed enough in these trying times that the world is going through. Higher education provides people with an opportunity to critically reflect on the issues we face as a community. Higher education in India welcomes its students to a wide array of vast and diverse options like the country itself.

The 35th edition of Education Today will have its focus themed on “Boost Your Job Prospects: India’s Top Ranked Institutions” and we will be analysing the factors that attract students to India’s top ranked institutions.

Check out the cover story “Why Prefer Central Universities,” featureRole of University Education in the Political Attitudes of Young Adultsby Megha Elza John and “How Virtual Universities Boost Student Career Growth”  by Swetha Sukumar. Also, we have an exclusive interview of “Rakesh Dharan (Cinematographer)” by Swetha Sukumar.

Happy Reading….!

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