One of the renowned PRME Champions for 2023 has been chosen, out of the top 47 universities and institutions worldwide: Woxsen University. A project of the UN Global Compact is Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). The PRME Champions are a collection of committed business and management schools from across the world who are dedicated to cooperating to benefit both company and society as a whole. The PRME Secretariat chose 47 PRME Signatory Members from a pool of qualified candidates to join the cohort this year. These individuals have a history of making significant contributions to thought and action leadership in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
As this organization’s flagship programme, the PRME Champions Programme offers academic staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and business executives a forum for creating and exchanging cooperative educational approaches as well as a “living lab” for innovative new ideas aimed at developing the next generation of sustainability-driven business schools and management-related higher education institutions in support of the SDGs.
The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in research, curriculum, and partnerships, which serve as a repository of motivational examples and will build on the work of higher education, has been the focus of the 2023 Champions cycle’s action leadership to inspire a global community.